21 Benefits of Dragon Fruit for Health

Dragon fruit is rich in nutrients and has many health benefits. Dragon fruit is native to Mexico, Central America and South America.

21 Benefits of Dragon Fruit for Health

21 Benefits of Dragon Fruit for Health- Dragon fruit is rich in nutrients and has many health benefits. Dragon fruit is native to Mexico, Central America and South America. However, now this one fruit is widely cultivated in Asian countries such as Vietnam, Taiwan, Indonesia, the Philippines and Malaysia.

Dragon fruit was brought to Vietnam by the French from Guyana in 1870 as an ornamental plant. Since then, in Asian countries dragon fruit is cultivated. Dragon fruit is considered a bringer of blessings by the Vietnamese and Chinese. So that this fruit is always stored on the table between two green dragon statues. Where the red color of the dragon fruit looks striking from the dragon statue. Therefore, dragon fruit is known as thang loy. Thang loy in English is called dragon fruit, that's where this fruit is called dragon fruit.

Dragon fruit has a myriad of benefits for everyday life, both for health and for beauty. Dragon fruit is low in calories but rich in nutrients including B vitamins, vitamin C, phosphorus, protein, calcium, fiber, captin, antioxidants and so on.

Well, for those of you who want to know what are the benefits of dragon fruit for your health, you can immediately refer to the discussion below.

In addition to having a delicious taste and beautiful appearance, dragon fruit has many health benefits.

Benefits of Dragon Fruit for Health

This fruit that has a red skin with a unique shape, and small black seeds besides having a delicious taste also has good health benefits. Here are some of the benefits of dragon fruit for health.

1. Prevent Cancer

Dragon fruit contains phytoalbumin which when combined with vitamin C and other minerals will be able to prevent dangerous diseases, namely cancer. This disease is caused by uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells that will cause normal body tissues to be damaged.

In addition to the content of phytoalbumin which is useful for preventing cancer, the lycopene contained in dragon fruit also provides benefits. This antioxidant has a chemopreventive effect for prostate, liver, lung, breast and skin cancer.

Based on the results of research published in Nutrition and Cancer states that cancer cells in the body will find it difficult to survive when in contact with lycopene. In addition, based on the evaluation results showed that the number of cancer cells contained in the uterus decreased when the patient received sufficient lycopene. Where dragon fruit is a source of lycopene. In choosing dragon fruit, make sure you choose organic dragon fruit because it is free from pesticides.

2. Healthy Heart

Besides being useful for preventing cancer, dragon fruit which is known as pitaya is also good for improving heart health. Dragon fruit can increase good cholesterol and reduce bad cholesterol. Based on studies show that by consuming dragon fruit the risk of high blood pressure and heart disease will decrease. In addition, dragon fruit is also a monounsaturated fat that is useful for maintaining liver health.

3. Increases Endurance

Increasing endurance is important, especially when the weather is uncertain as it is today. Decreased immune system will make you susceptible to disease. The human body basically has an immune system to fight microorganisms that will cause health problems. But even so, the immune system can also fail to prevent disease. Germs can sometimes still enter the body which will cause you to fall ill, especially if your immune system is weak or declining. Therefore, in order to avoid health problems, it is important to increase your body's resistance.

Well, consumption of dragon fruit can help increase endurance. The high content of vitamin C can help boost the immune system and stimulate other antioxidant activities. The high vitamin C, phytoalbumin and minerals will be able to fight free radicals. In addition, the content of vitamin B2, vitamin B1, vitamin B3, calcium, iron, phosphorus, niacin, protein and fiber contributes to boosting the immune system.

4. Prevent and Overcome Diabetes

Dragon fruit is high in fiber content. As we know so far, fiber is useful for smoothing the digestive system. However, besides that fiber has other benefits, namely to regulate or control blood sugar levels, it can also help to prevent sugar spikes after eating high glycemic index foods.

Vitamin B3 is also contained in dragon fruit. The high content of vitamin B3 in dragon fruit is known to prevent and treat diabetes, especially type 1 and type 2 diabetes, which are usually the most commonly experienced.

5. Lowers Cholesterol

High cholesterol is one of the most common health problems. If this condition is not controlled immediately, very high cholesterol levels will cause strokes to heart attacks.

Cholesterol itself is a compound that is similar to fat, lives naturally in almost every part of the body. Cholesterol is actually produced by the liver, but it can also come through the food we eat.

Dragon fruit has properties to help lower cholesterol. Dragon fruit is high in water and unsaturated fat. The unsaturated fat in dragon fruit is good for heart and blood vessel health. With polyunsaturated fat content, cholesterol will be bound so that it will prevent it from building up in the blood vessels and being shed. In addition, this content will keep blood sugar levels stable and make blood flow smoother.

6. Prevents Anemia

Anemia is a disease that is often experienced by the community. Anemia itself is a condition where the red blood cells are lower than the normal limit. Anemia can also occur when red blood cells don't contain enough hemoglobin, which is an iron-rich protein that gives blood its red color. Where this protein will help red blood cells in carrying oxygen from the lungs throughout the body.

Dragon fruit is useful for preventing anemia because it contains iron. Iron works to increase the production of hemoglobin and the production of red blood cells. In addition, the content of vitamin C in dragon fruit will increase the absorption of iron by the body.

7. Maternal Health

The benefits of dragon fruit for pregnant women are no longer in doubt. The vitamins and minerals contained in dragon fruit are good for fetal development. Dragon fruit is rich in vitamin C. Where to consume vitamin C when pregnant for both the mother and the fetus in the womb. The fetus needs vitamin C to maintain and protect cell health, the formation of collagen in the skin, bones, and blood vessels. It's just that, it is advisable to be wiser in consuming vitamin C because if the excess is the result it will trigger premature birth.

Dragon fruit contains carbohydrates that have an important role for pregnant women, as well as beneficial for the growth of the fetus. While the antioxidant content in dragon fruit plays a role in counteracting free radicals, controlling cholesterol levels, increasing the immune system, preventing the growth of cancer cells and beneficial for fetal brain development.

Dragon fruit is also a useful source of fiber to prevent constipation and help remove toxins. 100 grams of dragon fruit contains 3 grams of fiber. You can consume other food sources to meet the needs of fiber.

The iron content in dragon fruit plays an important role for fetal growth. Consuming enough iron will prevent anemia in pregnant women and boost the immune system. Riboflavin is contained in dragon fruit which is useful for producing energy. For the fetus, this content is beneficial for the growth of bones, nerves and muscles.

8. Overcome Breathing Problems

Some respiratory problems such as asthma and flu will certainly make you suffer. Although it is not equivalent to a respiratory medicine, dragon fruit is known to be able to relieve respiratory problems.

By consuming dragon fruit, respiratory problems such as coughs and flu will reduce the effect. In addition, vitamin C in dragon fruit can prevent disease and make you stronger against respiratory problems.

9. Dental and Bone Health

Dragon fruit also contains calcium which is useful for maintaining bone density and health. Nutrients, protein and calcium in dragon fruit, based on research play a role in maintaining bone density and preventing osteoporosis. Besides being good for bone health, it is also useful for keeping teeth and gums healthy and avoiding problems.

10. Boosts Metabolism

The protein content in dragon fruit is efficacious to maintain the body's metabolism and accelerate the repair of cells in the body. This is certainly useful, especially for those who are on a diet program or building muscle mass.

11. Launch the Digestive System

Dragon fruit is high in fiber content which is useful for smoothing the digestive system, stomach movement and can stimulate peristaltic movements, because this fruit can protect you from stomach irritation problems, constipation to stomach cancer. According to research, the natural prebiotics contained in this fruit are beneficial for the smooth functioning of the digestive system.

12. Relieves Cough

Cough is one of the most common health problems. A cough that does not stop will interfere with activities, because the body will be weak. This is because the muscles around the chest will feel sore and make the throat hurt.

Dragon fruit can help relieve coughs. Vitamin B3 is contained in dragon fruit which will relieve the stubborn cough you are experiencing. The benefits of dragon fruit to help relieve coughs will certainly help you a lot. You can compensate for cough treatment by consuming dragon fruit.

13. Eye Health

High beta-carotene, which is part of vitamin A contained in dragon fruit. These substances are useful for maintaining eye health and protecting vision. For those of you who work in front of the computer or often play cellphones, you can often consume dragon fruit juice so that your eye health is maintained. Not only maintaining eye health, because you will also get other good benefits of dragon fruit for health.

14. Increases Appetite

No appetite is certainly a problem for those of you who are underweight or are constantly losing weight. Decreased appetite can be the effect of drugs, stress or just recovering from illness. Usually difficulty eating is also often experienced by children.

You certainly understand very well the importance of eating a variety of foods so that the body remains healthy. Therefore, it is important to increase appetite.

Well, the content of vitamin B1 and vitamin B2 in dragon fruit can increase appetite if you consume it regularly.

15. Lose Weight

Being overweight will increase the risk of various diseases. The ideal body weight is better for supporting the health of our bodies. Therefore, it is important for us to maintain weight in order to avoid the problems that arise due to being overweight. In addition to health, usually many people are trying to lose weight to maintain appearance.

Including dragon fruit in the list of foods when you are trying to lose weight is the right choice. Dragon fruit contains only a few calories. Where dragon fruit weighing 198 grams contains only 60 calories.

Dragon fruit contains protein, less fat and carbohydrates. Although this fruit contains carbohydrates but that does not mean this fruit is not good for the diet program that you are running.

Dragon fruit contains as much as 90% water and is high in fiber content, which if you eat it will make your stomach full longer. In addition to women, the benefits of dragon fruit for weight loss are also good for men.

16. Neutralize Toxins In The Body

Dragon fruit is efficacious to neutralize toxins in the body. This is evidenced by the many studies conducted. You can neutralize toxins in the body by consuming dragon fruit.

17. Overcoming Sore Throat and Thrush

The high content of vitamin C in dragon fruit can help overcome canker sores and sore throats that you experience. Consuming dragon fruit regularly will be able to meet the needs of vitamin C so that the effect, canker sores and sore throats that you experience will gradually heal.

18. Kidney Health

Dragon fruit has the ability to detoxify which will help remove toxins in the body and is good for kidney health, as well as urinary tract health.

19. Fights Bacteria

Bacteria and fungi can cause health problems. Consuming dragon fruit can help prevent health problems caused. Diseases caused by fungi and bacteria can be overcome with the active compounds in dragon fruit. In addition, dragon fruit can accelerate wound healing.

20. Prevents Tumors

In addition to the fruit, dragon fruit skin is also beneficial for health. Dragon fruit peel is useful for preventing tumors. Dragon fruit skin contains active compounds that will help inhibit tumor growth. Tumor disease is certainly dangerous because it can trigger other diseases such as cancer and so on. To prevent tumors, you can consume dragon fruit which is used as a tea.

21. Maintain Nervous Health

Nerves play an important role in the body. The system of conditions regulates the performance of our bodies, so that if there is a slight problem the consequences will be fatal. It is very important to always maintain healthy nerves. According to research, dragon fruit is rich in nutrients that can improve nerve work and maintain nerve health.

Thus, the benefits of dragon fruit for health cannot be doubted. Knowing the good benefits of dragon fruit for health, now you don't hesitate to include dragon fruit in the list of fruits you consume.

It is much more difficult to make people healthy than to make them sick.

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