Blood Type O Facts and Personality

Blood Type O Facts and Personality

Health Information There are 4 blood types, namely blood type A, B, AB, and O. These four blood types are very important for you to know because they are related to health, personal characteristics, and risk of disease. Based on the 4 existing blood types, blood type O is a blood type that can be considered unique. So, what makes this blood group different from the others?

What is Blood Type?

Blood type is a unique molecule that results from the combination of antibodies and antigens in blood plasma. This classification was created by an Austrian physician, Karl Landsteiner, in the 1900s. Broadly speaking, blood types are divided into 4, namely:

·       Blood type A, a combination of antigen A and antibody B

·       Blood type B, a combination of B antigen and A . antibodies

·       Type AB blood has both A and B antigens, but neither A nor B antibodies

·       Type O blood, does not have A and B antigens, but has A and B antibodies

Furthermore, the classification of blood groups is also influenced by an additional antigen known as rhesus (Rh). If there is rhesus in the blood, then it means your blood is positive (A+, B+, AB+, O+). Conversely, if there is no rhesus factor in the blood, it means that the blood is negative (A-, B-, AB-, O-).

Rarely Known Blood Type O Facts

Among the four blood types, the nature of blood type O is more unique than other blood types. In fact, some say that blood type O is not a blood type. Here are the facts about blood type O that you need to know.

1. Blood Type O Has No Antigen

Unlike other blood types, the character of blood type O has zero antigenic substances.

Antigens are proteins present in red blood cells. These antigens are considered dangerous by the body which then triggers antibodies to fight back. This then causes a dangerous reaction if one blood type is donated to another different blood group, from A to B for example.

Because type O blood does not have antigens, neither A nor B antigens, making this blood type possible to be transfused into other different blood groups.

2. Blood Type O is Universal

The fact of blood type that we have known so far is that the nature of blood type O is universal. This means that type O blood is a blood type that can be transfused into all blood types.

For example, you have blood type O, then your sibling who has blood type A is in need of a blood donor, so you can donate blood to that person.

Owners of blood type O can only receive blood transfusions from fellow owners of blood type O.

It should be underlined that blood also contains the rhesus (Rh) factor which makes it positive or negative. Well, even though blood type O is universal, it can only be donated to other blood types provided that blood type has the same rhesus.

Owners of blood type O+ can only donate blood to owners of blood type A+, B+, and AB+, as well as blood type O- which can only be accepted by blood types A-, B-, and AB-.

Blood transfusions from blood type O to other blood groups that do not have the same rhesus will cause reactions that have harmful effects on the body, such as respiratory problems, blood clots, and kidney failure.

3. Blood Type O Has a Lower Risk of Heart Disease

Research conducted at the Harvard School of Public Health revealed that people with blood type O have a 23 percent lower risk of heart disease than those with other blood types.

Even so, those of you with blood type O can't just have fun. Without adopting a healthy lifestyle, it is not impossible that you will also have a great risk of heart disease. Therefore, also balance it with healthy activities such as exercise, and consumption of nutritious foods.

4. Blood Type O is not prone to blood clots

The low level of protein in blood type O is an advantage for the owners of this blood type because it means that the risk of blood clots is also smaller when compared to other blood types.

Blood clots are a condition that can be life-threatening. Some of the symptoms that indicate a blood clot include:

·       Swelling occurs in areas of the body that have blood clots, such as the feet or hands

·       Pain, occurs when the clotting that occurs is already in the acute stage

·       Discoloration to blue or red in the area where the blood clot occurs

·       Respiratory distress, if the blood clot has reached the lung area. This condition is also known as pulmonary embolism and must be treated immediately before it can be fatal

5. Blood Type O Has a Lower Risk of Alzheimer's Disease

In addition to heart and blood clotting, people with blood type O are also claimed to be less prone to brain function disorders such as Alzheimer's or dementia.

A study revealed that owners of blood type O have more gray matter levels than owners of other blood types. Gray matter is an element that functions to process memories and information that enters the brain.

The greater amount of gray matter makes the brain's memory last longer so that the risk of memory disorders can be minimized.

6. The fertility of women with blood type O is not good

Behind a number of benefits of having blood type O, in fact there are bad things that must be faced by owners of blood type O, especially women.

A study conducted at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine concluded that women with blood type O have higher volumes of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) than women with other blood types. The high FSH volume affects the number of egg (ovarian) reserves to be less.

Even so, that does not mean you are infertile, yes. Fertility is also influenced by many factors, such as lifestyle and diet. Adopt a healthy lifestyle and eat plenty of nutritious foods to increase your fertility.

7. Sports that are Suitable for Blood Type O

Owners of blood type O ideally do aerobic sports activities, such as running, jogging, cycling, and gymnastics. Do these exercises regularly every day so that your physical health condition is maintained.

8. Special Diet Pattern for Blood Type O

Although this is a small contribution, but you can apply it. Yes, it turns out that as the owner of blood type O, there are rules regarding the ideal diet pattern to maintain a healthy body. People with blood type O are advised to eat protein-laden foods such as:

  • Chicken
  • Fish
  • Milk
  • Nuts

To be clear, consult about the best food choices for blood type O to a nutritionist to make sure which menu is suitable for you to consume.

Blood Type O character

Believe it or not, blood type also determines a person's personal character. No exception for blood type O which is the most common blood type in the world with a percentage of 37% - 53% of the total human population.

Here are the characteristics of blood type O personality that you need to know.

1. Relax

People with blood type O tend to have relaxed characteristics, meaning that in carrying out an action they tend to be impulsive and at will. The character of blood type O sometimes has a positive side, but also cannot be separated from the negative side, especially in matters that require seriousness.

2. Expressive

The next character of blood type O is expressive. Owners of blood type O tend to be cheerful and do not hesitate to express what is in their hearts and minds.

3. Generous

Japanese society has a belief that people with blood type O have a generous nature. Not only that, the owner of blood type O is also called a person who is easy to get along with, passionate, and financially strong.

That's the information about blood type O that you need to know. Are you one of the owners of blood type O? Does the character of blood type O match your personality?

It is much more difficult to make people healthy than to make them sick.

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